Hardwood Floor Repairs

Hardwood Floor Repairs

living room with few furnitures

Although hardwood is extremely durable, it’s not completely invincible. Hardwood can eventually succumb to damages that include holes, stains, cracks, dents, and splinters. Rather than removing the entire flooring surface, you’re better off considering hardwood floor repairs that rectify the minor damages. Our team can assist with a range of hardwood floor repairs and make it simple to restore your floors and get rid of any unwanted imperfections that are either dangerous or unsightly.


Cracks and Splinters

Cracks and splinters can occur when the wood floors are hit with heavy force or impact, causing the wood to break in the middle of the panels. When this happens, your hardwood boards will have noticeable cracks on the surface that, when pushed harder with more weight or force, can spread throughout the rest of the boards. Splinters, on the other hand, often occur when the wood becomes wet and swells and then dries again. The fibers of the wood shrink and make it more fragile than before, leading to small splinters of wood protruding from the surface. These can be painful and add hazards to existing hardwood floors. We can efficiently repair both cracks and splinters in your hardwood flooring.


Broken Boards

Broken floorboards can occur as a result of cracks and splinters that worsened over time or extensive force hitting the boards and leading to breaks in the panels themselves. Either way, our team tackles these damages with a localized approach to replace them and restore your floor accordingly. In most cases, we're able to repair the broken boards by removing them and replacing them with new boards that are then stained and blended with the rest of the flooring.


Color Fading

If your hardwood floor stain is fading as a result of natural wear and tear, exposure to liquids and sunlight, or because it hasn’t been cared for properly, we can assist in restoring its color. Although most hardwood floors should be finished with a protective topcoat that deters liquid stains, this doesn’t mean that some stains can’t find their way into the boards and cause discoloration. We’ll help by buffing out those unwanted stains and replacing them with a fresh color stain and topcoat that gives your wood floor a brand new, refined finish. The same is done for any discoloration as a result of furniture exposure, impact, or traction.


Dents and Scratches

Other common damages that we see in hardwood floors are dents and scratches. Dents and scratches can occur when your hardwood floors are hit with weight or consistently encounter sharp edges and structures, typically furniture. If you don’t have furniture leg protectors on your chairs, table, and dressers, consider installing some to reduce the number of scratches left behind on your floors. In the meantime, our team can easily sand out those scratches and flatten the dents left behind by your furniture that give your hardwood floors a deteriorating appearance. With our touches, we’ll remove dents and scratches and make your floors look like new.

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